On Monday the 25th of July 1983 I was almost killed. I was in Sri Lanka in the wrong place at the wrong time. The fact that I could fluently speak Sinhalese (the language of the majority race) saved my life. Many Tamils lost their lives that fateful day. The month was named Black July. As I was cycling alone in the rain on the Box Hill Sportive I kept thinking of that day. I really don't know why...

My colleagues Rob, Jon and I were looking forward to this sportive. I was the late joiner. The previous Sunday had been a glorious one. My friends had ridden the Wiggle New Forest Sportive in glorious sunshine and posted their ride on Strava. I had high hopes for good weather, but things didn't turn out that way. A few miles into the ride I thought back to a text message I'd got from Rob the previous day:

The first warning had come earlier in the week, with Rob and Jon saying that the forecast for the day did not look good. As the weekend approached our hopes for sunshine faded.

The man at the start said "Due to the adverse weather conditions we recommend you do the short course."
I heard myself think "Nah".

So off we went. The bunch I started with were gone. I dropped my light and had to brake (and slide in the process!). I was lucky to have not been hit by the second bunch who seemed to be doing about 30mph! Slow down guys, it's raining and it's slippery.
I kept to a neat 12mph and was overtaken by hundreds. The only people I passed were the ones with a puncture!
There were punctures galore. I prayed I should not have one as I am useless changing a tube in the rain, cold and wind. My hands were numb anyway! Thankfully I had none.
I wore four layers of clothes (including waterproofs) and I was soaked to the bone.

After the first feed stop many turned off towards the short course and a few of us continued on the standard course. Even on this course I saw many cycling back, having changed their minds.

I love going up Box Hill as it's got a lovely gradient and once you settle down into a nice rhythm you can climb efficiently.
But before Box Hill came Whitedown Lane! I was not expecting it at all.
My Garmin gave an average gradient of 11.9%. I had ridden over 50 miles by now in the rain and considering there was so much water running down it, it was painful! I just made it, thanks to the training rides we'd put in beforehand.

Rain, Rain, Rain
It rained all the time! There were huge pools of water on the road and every time I went through one I could feel the water in my shoes getting refreshed with colder water! I did not have proper rain gear. I have since purchased some Seal Skinz gloves. A Gore-Tex waterproof is on the cards but it's so expensive... about £170. I am now convinced it's worth the price though!
My wife was late picking me up so I was the last person to leave the venue. I was shaking so much. The staff offered me a free bacon roll and a raspberry cupcake! I bought some hot coffee too. Sadly this is how I looked!

25 July 1983
As I thought about that fateful day I was reminded that I was given another chance to live. So riding in a bit of rain for seven hours was fine... I knew that it could not go on. I would soon be back home enjoying life with my family and friends and doing the things I like doing... like cycling. Riding Box Hill in the rain is much better than being in a box six feet below the ground.
Thank you for reading. Enjoy your cycling. If you know me, thank you for being my friend. Life is worth living.
Strava link to ride here: http://www.strava.com/activities/88847185