A good multi-tool is like having a breakdown service in your pocket, and after spending a few months with the Topeak Hexus II I'm convinced it could well be the last multi-tool you will ever need to buy.
Topeak have been making useful accessories for years, all of them are designed to make life on a bike a little easier. In my experience, whether its luggage or maintenance tools, Topeak apply a good level of common sense to their products to ensure that they work when you most need them to and do not forsake functionality to satisfy the finance or marketing departments.

The Hexus II multi-tool is clearly the result of mating clever design with real world experience. It features 16 high quality, hardened steel tools that all fold into an ergonomic composite body. The Hexus II folds down to an incredibly small size for a multi-tool that boasts so much functionality, and weighs just 167g. If I am using a saddle bag I normally wrap the spare inner tube in cling film to protect it from any potential damage or chaffing, but there are no sharp edges to the Hexus II and it is comfortable to hold in use.
I spent a good part of the RideLondon 100 sportive last year fixing bikes on the roadside when it became apparent to other entrants that I was in possession of a good multi-tool with a chain tool, but I do wish I'd had a Hexus II with me that day, such is its simplicity of use (and I would have had much cleaner hands). One of the two tyre levers in the Hexus has a small 4mm wrench on the inside to drive the chain tool which means you can get good leverage on the chain link should it prove to be stubborn, making the whole process quick and easy. The chain tool is compatible with almost every chain on the market including 10 speed hollow link chains. Only those running 11sp will need a separate chain tool due to the width of the chain.
Another useful and welcome tool is a chain hook, which makes splitting and rejoining a chain at the roadside a far easier job with just a single pair of hands. The spoke wrenches are, incidentally, moulded into the second tyre lever.

The usual complement of Allen wrenches are well machined and fit the appropriate size of bolt well with no play in use. There is also a T25 torx bit for those with disc brakes, also driven by the wrench in the tyre lever which makes this an ideal tool for those with a selection of bikes. The Hexus II has quickly become the first thing I check is packed before I clip in and ride.
The Hexus II has an RRP of £19.99, which is cheaper than RAC membership, and if you're in the market for a multi-tool this one should certainly be high on your list.
Allen wrenches: 2 / 2.5 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 8mm
Torx bit: T25
Spoke wrenches: 14g / 15g
Chain tool
Chain hook
Tyre levers (inc 4mm wrench)
Screwdrivers: #2 Philips and flat head
Size (L x W x H): 9.5 x 4.4 x 2.6cm
Weight: 167g