The Southern Sportive is a fantastic 155k road challenge event that takes in the best road climbs the South Downs has to offer. And with 112k mid and 71k short options, the event is open to a wide range of riders and abilities. And the new Wilier Gauntlet gives you the chance to up the challenge to an incredible 192km! The hardened Sportive or first time charity rider will find the Southernsportive a great challenge, the classic course takes in some serious hills complimented by rolling back roads and views out along the south coast. All set in one of the prettiest parts of the UK.
At a Glance
  • 09 Sep 2012 12:00am
  • Ticket Status Unknown
  • Southern SportiveSouthern SportivePetersfield, Hampshire, UK
  • Up to 192 km (119 miles)
  • From 24.00 GBP
  • Unknown Riders

Extra Information

Feed Stations and Electronic Mapping

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