“This day is the feast of Crispin…”
Truly an English heroic day! Will Shakespeare immortalised it in his famous St Crispin’s day speech in Henry V. Take a look at Kenneth Brannagh’s version of the speech here. Make sure you stand a tip toe! We think it’s probably the greatest movie speech ever.
As well as Agincourt, the Charge of the Light Brigade also took place on Crispin’s day.
The actual St Crispin’s Day is the 25th October but this year that’s a weekday so we’ve moved it to the following weekend. More about it on Wikipedia here.
Now we happy few would like to invite you to become our brothers (or sisters) by riding the St Crispin’s Day Night Ride with us.
Maybe it’s not quite in the same league but it’s still a heroic adventure.
At a Glance
- 25 Oct 2012 12:00am
- Ticket Status Unknown
- ST Crispin Day Night RideST Crispin Day Night RideLondon, Greater London, UK
- Unknown DistanceUp to 0 km (0 miles)
- Unknown CostFrom
- Unknown Riders
Extra Information
Your St Crispin’s Day Night Ride passport including your Century certificate.
A bottle of the 2012 St Crispin’s Day Night Ride wine.
Marshaling and guidance en-route.
Detailed route guidance and SatNav info sent to you early October.
Access to the free events taking place at the start and finish venues.
A digital photo of you at the finish with the podium girls (or boys).
Stamps from each control point you visit.
Free food and drinks at the food stops.
Additional food & drink available for purchase.
Collection of you and your bike by the broom wagon for the subsidised fee of £5.00 if you really can’t make it or have a mechanical failure.