Circuit Of Kent Cyclo Sportive is a challenge cycle ride organised by The Rotary Club of Sevenoaks Amherst. Entrants have a choice of 130kms or 80kms routes. In both events riders will be given a time based on age and gender and can try for a gold, silver or bronze standard. All riders are given an electronically operated tag to wear and their times are recorded as they pass under the finsh banner. However it is not a race and entrants have the choice of riding as slow or as fast as they wish. The route follows quiet roads and is clearly arrowed or marshalled.
At a Glance
  • 09 Sep 2012 9:00am
  • Ticket Status Unknown
  • The Circuit of KentThe Circuit of KentSevenoaks, Kent, UK
  • Up to 130 km (81 miles)
  • From 30.00 GBP
  • Unknown Riders

Extra Information

Feed Stations and Electronic Mapping

Buy Ticket Event Website