The South Downs Spring Sportive is an 85 mile loop in the Sussex countryside. My friend Rob and I rode this sportive last year - it was my first sportive. We even appeared for 10 seconds on the promotional video! We are behind the guy in the luminous top walking towards the camera.

This year Rob's daughter Lauren joined us too. It was a beautiful day.

I wanted to take a proper picture at the start but as we got to it we joined the group that was about to leave. So a quick one with me alone. One of the things I noticed this year was that we did not get a goody bag. We got two SIS bottles with drinks. I did not know this so was a bit short on gels etc!

Another change I noticed was that there were only two feed stations. But this was more practical I think. As usual the pre-ride information was great. It showed where the feed stations were and the elevation profiles were shown by distance.

This was us at feed station 1 at mile 36. There were plenty of supplies and we made good use of them!

It was great to have free mechanical support as my gearing was not working properly. The guy helped me out. But I think I need a proper service.

There were some great bikes and UK Cycling Events staff were never far away!
Feed station 2 came at mile 62. We had another 23 miles to go. The sun was still shining brightly but I was cramping big time!

With only 10 miles to go Rob had a puncture. Lauren seems happy!

It is finished!!
We were given a T-shirt each too - a nice touch. We skipped the massage as it was a nice day to go home and lie in the garden. We earned it, having ridden 85 miles!

I had to wear the T-shirt and medal. I am squinting as my left eye was stinging. I could not work out the reason. Nearly went to see the doc.

As my bike rests I thought I would contemplate on this years South Downs Spring sportive. Well the route was the same as last year, but there were notable differences. The goody bag, one less feeding station, a better medal, a T-shirt to remember the ride. Oh, and a bottle of sun cream to be used by anyone who needed some!
Marshalling was great but the official photography was disappointing. I just had two pictures to choose from. There was a guy on a bike riding with us and taking photos and I didn't think this worked.
I cramped from mile 30 onwards. Fell off the bike as my legs locked on a steep hill. However, I enjoyed it.