For those who havent done this before, please be aware that this is a run without a mid point coffee stop. Start time is 9.00 am. Route sheets will be available. Entry on day. £2.00 entry fee for members (Certificate for members who complete the ride in under 4 hours) £2.00 for non members. 50 miles in 4 hours and 60miles in 4 hours. It is the reponsibility of riders to keep to the designated course.
At a Glance
  • 18 Mar 2012 12:00am
  • Ticket Status Unknown
  • Evesham & Dist Wheelers Reliability TrailEvesham & Dist Wheelers Reliability TrailEvesham, Worcestershire, UK
  • Up to 97 km (60 miles)
  • From 2.00 GBP
  • Unknown Riders

Extra Information

For those who havent done this before, please be aware that this is a run without a mid point coffee stop. Start time is 9.00 am. Route sheets will be available. Entry on day. £2.00 entry fee for members (Certificate for members who complete the ride in under 4 hours) £2.00 for non members. 50 miles in 4 hours and 60miles in 4 hours. It is the reponsibility of riders to keep to the designated course.

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