The Festival of Sport Sportives over various distances will take in the stunning scenery and quiet roads of rural Cornwall and encompasses Britain's most scenic costal road. Our cycle challenge distances are 140km and 100km. Starts will commence in waves from the event hub (Marazion) and will work in a figure of 8 going back through the Festival for the Eastern section of the route - getting a timely cheer on the way through.
At a Glance
  • 14 Sep 2012 12:00am
  • Ticket Status Unknown
  • Festival of SportFestival of SportMarazion, Cornwall, UK
  • Up to 140 km (87 miles)
  • From 35.00 GBP
  • Unknown Riders

Extra Information

The Festival of Sport Sportives over various distances will take in the stunning scenery and quiet roads of rural Cornwall and encompasses Britain's most scenic costal road. Our cycle challenge distances are 140km and 100km. Starts will commence in waves from the event hub (Marazion) and will work in a figure of 8 going back through the Festival for the Eastern section of the route - getting a timely cheer on the way through.

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